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A Letter to past Me DON’T TAKE YOUR WRITING FOR GRANITE. I know writing is not your strong suit but you cannot hide behind your major as an excuse to why you should not write. Each year you've had a writing course you have put the work off to the last week and struggled with it the whole way. Well I’m telling you now if you want it to be done faster and have more time to bring the grade up “Write sooner and revise often” (Dr. Kyburz). I really hope that what the actual words were but either way you get the point. Writing should not be an all night crap I need to do 4 pages in 5 hours. Start writing the paper when you first get it and use that time to experiment with your words and explore the topic that you are give. I promise you it will help in the long run. A Reflection of this year When this year started I did not expect to be challenged to much with the writing aspect of the course. I figured it would follow the other two English course I have already taken

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