
A Letter to past Me

DON’T TAKE YOUR WRITING FOR GRANITE. I know writing is not your strong suit but you cannot hide behind your major as an excuse to why you should not write. Each year you've had a writing course you have put the work off to the last week and struggled with it the whole way. Well I’m telling you now if you want it to be done faster and have more time to bring the grade up “Write sooner and revise often” (Dr. Kyburz). I really hope that what the actual words were but either way you get the point. Writing should not be an all night crap I need to do 4 pages in 5 hours. Start writing the paper when you first get it and use that time to experiment with your words and explore the topic that you are give. I promise you it will help in the long run.

A Reflection of this year

When this year started I did not expect to be challenged to much with the writing aspect of the course. I figured it would follow the other two English course I have already taken at Lewis my freshman year here and it would fly by. Sadly the true statement there was that it did fly by. On the first and second day when we when over the learning outcomes I didn't really know what Dr. Kybruz meant by, “Kairos, syntax, & “flow” ( timing, pace, details to include/leave out, when to say certain things/not)” even though the dumb down version of it was right next to it in the parentheses. Me being stubborn though and set in my writing ways I  guess you could say I had no intention or motivation to work on any of that stuff until we got our first paper. The first paper we had to write was a Microtheme. At first I had no idea what this was but I figured it would be like every other paper pick a topic and a side to show the reader you through. Man was I wrong after my first draft I felt like I did some justice to a paper that was only one page. I revised it once and was down with it. I turned it in and cleaned my hands. Then a few weeks later we got them back graded and to my surprise I got a R or revise. I was shocked, mad, and pissed that I had to go back to this little one page nuisance that had weaseled its way back into my homework. Lucky for me though with the R came a lot of comments and where I could do better. This mostly included leaving out and not saying a lot of information I added. Along with being more general in my conclusion. I revised it and turned in a pieces of paper that I felt a lot more confident about along with a new mindset. This included being more open and not being pushy with my writing unless the work calls for it. In the end it could have probably been better if I had a little more time and maybe a half page more space but it was a paper i never expected to write and I believe  it really helped with how I will write papers from here on out. And for that I really want to say Thank You Dr. Kybruz for helping me with my writing style.


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